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What to pack when visiting Uganda.

We’ve mentioned before that Uganda’s weather can easily feature three seasons in the space of 12 hours. What we haven’t shared is the kind of necessary gear fit to cope with the environment (and fun) you eventually encounter in Uganda. Now here are a few things that shouldn’t be missing in your Uganda safari bag.

1. Binoculars

The well-documented bird population in Uganda is a sight to behold. Variety birds come in all colors and sizes, carrying your binoculars is therefore essential to the finer experience of the country Winston Churchill named the Pearl of Africa.

2. Bradt Guide

The Australian tour guide booklets do a commendable job in providing insight suitable for tracking the places you shouldn’t miss while here.  

3. Luganda -English booklet

Because Luganda is the most commonly used language around the country, grasping some basic level understanding can be a great bonus, especially the familiar terms helpful enough when you are buying a Rolex. Check out one

`4. Rain jacket

Because tropical rain can be sudden in Uganda, carrying one of your winter jackets may save you from the sudden torrents that are characteristic in this part of the world.

6. Sunscreen, light clothes and sunglasses

It gets heated up in Uganda, sometimes up to 29 degrees, so carrying sunscreen is essential in preparing for this sunny voyage at the heart of East Africa. Sunglasses and light clothing including several pair of shorts can save you from the blistering heat and of course help your legs catch some Albertine breeze. Adding a good water bottle under this category doesn’t hurt either.

With these, you will be ready to embark on the safari of a lifetime visiting Uganda. Talk to one of our Safari planners and we will be happy to come alongside you in planning a memorable trip.  

Photo by George Pak from Pexels
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